The MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence (CTI) is pleased to share developed reports and presentations highlighting projects that have been implemented.
2024 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting Presentations
The MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence is presented the following project at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting in October 2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Appointment-Powered Progress: Enhancing Maine Quitline Connections with Personalized Scheduling Poster
- Modernizing Tobacco Treatment Services: Innovative Strategies to Increase Engagements and Reach of the Maine QuitLink Poster
- Supporting Maine Youth: A Comprehensive Strategy for Tackling Adolescent Nicotine Dependence Poster
Tobacco Prevention: Statewide Success Stories
The statewide Tobacco Prevention Services initiative included strategies implemented by the Center for Tobacco Independence and District Tobacco Prevention Partners across three focus areas: prevention of youth initiation; reducing exposure to secondhand smoke; and promotion of tobacco treatment through the Maine QuitLink. The following stories highlight strategies implemented between 2017 and 2022 to address tobacco use and exposure in Maine.
- Maine Tobacco Prevention Program Protects Young Children with Smoke-Free Childcare Policies
- Shaping the Built Environment to Reduce Tobacco Effects
- Supporting Tobacco Retailers to Reduce Youth Access to Tobacco
- Tobacco Prevention Works: Use by Maine Teens is Declining!
- Understanding Tobacco Use Among New Mainers – Needs Assessments: AK Health and Social Services; Capital Areas New Mainers Project; Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services; and Portland Public Health
- Understanding Tobacco Use Among Veterans – Needs Assessment: Veterans Services Organization Assessment Report and Summary Presentation
2022 National Conference on Tobacco or Health Presentations
The MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence is presented the following projects at the National Conference on Tobacco or Health in June 2022.
- Health System Uses Brief Trainings to Drive up Referrals for Tobacco Treatment: Poster, Learn More: Fact Sheet
- Modernizing a Quitline: Introducing the Maine QuitLink after 20 Years of the Maine Tobacco HelpLine: Poster, Learn More: Fact Sheet
- Putting “Community” Back In To Community Needs Assessments: Poster
Additional Reports
- Maine CDC and Partnerships for Health Report: Maine Prevention Services Initiative Atlas (2016-2021)
- Maine CDC and Partnerships for Health Report: Implementation of the Maine Prevention Services Initiative (2016 – 2021): A Data Brief
- Maine Prevention Services and Partnerships for Health Report: Exposure to Secondhand Smoke in the Home Evaluation Findings
- Maine Prevention Services and Partnerships for Health Maps: Engagement with MPS that Resulted in New or Strengthened Tobacco Policies