Behavioral Health Providers are a trusted resource for clients. Asking about tobacco use increases their odds of successfully quitting tobacco or vaping. Quitting can improve mental health and substance use disorder recovery outcomes. Providing a brief intervention and connecting clients to evidence-based treatment through the Maine QuitLink shows that you care about your client’s tobacco use and increases their likelihood of making a quit attempt.
- Infographic: Tobacco Treatment and Substance Use Recovery
- Toolkit: Addressing Tobacco Use in the Behavioral Health Setting
- Toolkit: Tobacco-Free Behavioral Health Policy Toolkit
- Brochure: Addressing Tobacco Use and Exposure – Resources for Behavioral Health Agencies
- Provider Tobacco Treatment Tools
Get Trained
The Foundations of Client-Centered Tobacco Treatment: A Training for Behavioral Health Providers
Register Here
- Online (Zoom) Training: April 23, 2025 12:00-1:30pm ET // Registration closes April 22, 2025 @ 11:30am
Please save the date for this new training offering for behavioral health providers.
The MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence administers tobacco treatment trainings on behalf of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC), Maine Department of Health and Human Services.
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