E-Cigarettes & Vaping Resources

Resources to Address E-Cigarettes & Vaping

The MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence has a variety of resources related e-cigarettes and vaping.  For information on tobacco use and exposure, please visit our Tobacco resource page.

Maine Quit Vaping & Support Services

My Life, My Quit

Text “Start My Quit” to 36072, MyLifeMyQuit.com, or 1-855-891-9989

My Life, My Quit is a free and confidential service for teens who want help quitting all forms of tobacco including smoking, vaping, or chewing. Tailored quit coaching is available via text, web chat and phone.

Maine QuitLink

1-800-QUIT-NOW or MaineQuitLink.com

The Maine QuitLink offers free, confidential quit coaching and medication for Maine residents who use tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. Individuals can choose from a variety of digital and phone based programs to meet them where they are in their quitting process.


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