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Webinar: Counseling in Tobacco Treatment: The Intersection of Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and the Transtheoretical Model of Change

The two main components of effective Tobacco Use Disorder treatment are Counseling and Medication. This webinar will focus on the counseling aspect of treatment, specifically, when and where (and why) to employ strategies tailored to the current needs and goals of the patient.  To accomplish this, we will look at the intersection of Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and the Transtheoretical Model of Change. The goal of counseling is to engage the patient. Engagement means that a client is involved in a process…

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Webinar: A Tailored Treatment Approach for Teens: One Year of Maine’s My Life, My Quit Program

According to the 2021 Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey, more than 18% of Maine High School students reported using a tobacco product (combustible, smokeless or electronic) in the last 30 days. Historically, youth enrollments in the traditional Maine QuitLink phone coaching program have been low, including youth-focused tobacco treatment services as part of the comprehensive tobacco control approach will support these young people to be tobacco-free. In February 2022, the My Life, My Quit (MLMQ) program launched in Maine as part of the…

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Webinar: Environmental Impacts of E-Cigarettes

You’ve likely heard that e-cigarettes are dangerous for our health. But what about the environmental impacts of these electronic products? We’re dedicating a webinar to this topic to celebrate Earth Day! Join Bonnie as she discusses the prevalence of e-cigarettes amongst Mainers and some of the environmental impacts of these products. She will address a few policies that are in place and share tips about advocating for change. Presenter: Bonnie Carleton, BS, MCHES - MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence 1.0 CME Available

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