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Webinar: Co-Occurring Cannabis and Tobacco Use: Understanding the Link and Treatment Approaches

Presenter: Edward J. Perka, Jr., CASAC, NCNTT of the MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence Tobacco and cannabis are often used in conjunction with each other. The prevalence of co-occurring tobacco and cannabis use is associated with a wide range of deficits in physical, psychological, and behavioral outcomes. This webinar will provide an overview of the various underlying mechanisms related to co-occurring tobacco and cannabis use and will present a rationale for treating tobacco and cannabis use disorders concurrently. 1.5 CHES Credit Available with…

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Webinar: Stepping Stones to Client-Centered Tobacco Treatment: A Justice-Involved Community Webinar

Presenter: Derek Bowen of the MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence Through this informative and interactive webinar, we will explore the intersection of tobacco use and justice-involved populations, shedding light on the unique challenges they face in tobacco treatment and recovery. Individuals within the justice system experience significant barriers to reducing or quitting tobacco use. Due to this, the need for intervention is high, and with proper tobacco treatment and recovery this can be possible. Throughout the webinar, we will discuss these barriers and…

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